The average shoe size for women is 39 and for men 43. Where one is below average, the other is slightly above. Do you have bigger feet? That’s not weird at all. For example, did you know that Kate Winslet and Paris Hilton are both size 42 and Snoop Dog size 46? Surely you’re not the only person struggling to find a pair of shoes in a larger size. We are happy to help you find the perfect shoe. That’s why here you can read everything you want to know about big feet and get tips on how to make your feet look smaller. Because that’s what we want, isn’t it?

Tips For Man And Woman With Big Feet
What To Avoid
If you have big feet, the following things might be familiar to you; Sometimes you buy your shoes undersized because they are a little smaller. Please don’t do this. It’s really not good for your feet and your shoes will probably break down more quickly. You are probably also familiar with the fact that you can only find a few shoes in your size. Many women’s shoes only come up to size 42, while men’s shoes usually go up to size 47. These days, more and more brands are including larger sizes in their collections, but it’s still difficult to find a pair. As a woman, you sometimes look around at the men’s collection. The problem with this is that the shoes aren’t just getting longer. They are also wider than your average women’s shoe.
Chose A Chunky Sole
Now you might be thinking, doesn’t that make my foot look bigger? However, this is not the case. A shoe with a chunky sole draws attention to the sole and not the foot. Let the chunky sole be a trend. Take a look at the thick-soled lace-up sneakers: super hip and therefore also perfect if you have a larger shoe size.
Wear Heels
Do you want to add a few centimeters in length and make your feet look a little less noticeable? Then try a heel under the shoe. Opt for a block heel. Certainly, a high boot with a block heel will do a lot for your feet. The boots accentuate your legs, so your feet don’t stand out.
Draw Attention To The Top
Great patterned or colorful tops cannot make feet smaller, but they cleverly direct the eyes upwards. If you wear a very attractive blouse or a tunic with an exciting pattern, nobody will pay attention to your shoes. Combine these pieces preferably with dark pants and also dark shoes.
Chose Dark Colors
As with clothing, dark colors in shoes make them look smaller. Black and navy shoes are a good example and will make your feet appear smaller. We know that in the summer it might be tempting to wear white shoes, but they are not the best choice for big feet as they will only make them look bigger.
Stay Away From Pointed Shoes
Pay attention to the toe of the shoe. With a larger foot, the toe of the shoe is very important. Our tip: choose a round or square tip. Leave the pointy shoes because they emphasize the size of the feet, and you don’t want that.